
You’re feeling lighter than air! Literally… You float about 2 inches off the ground for thirty minutes.


Feeling sinister suddenly? It might just be the Dr. Robotnik mustache on your face for fifteen minutes.


Gnineppah s’tahw? Speak in reverse for the next two sentences.


Needed some Botan in your life? Your hair and skin take on a pinkish tone for thirty minutes.


Time to join the Chipmunks for a Christmas album! You speak like you’re on helium for ten minutes.


“I don’t have a drinking problem!” Everytime you try to drink for the next twenty minutes, you spill your drink on yourself.


Straight lines are hard… You can only walk sideways for the next hour.


That was sobering… You’re instantly sober and cannot get drunk for the next twenty minutes.


Whispered Wish: The Musical! For the next five minutes, you cannot speak; only sing.


Everyone cut loose! FOOTLOOSE! You feel an uncontrollable urge to dance for the next five minutes.


I swear I’ve heard that before… Everything you say for the next five minutes is a movie quote, and you don't even know what a movie is.


Your mother was a hamster and you smell like elderberries for the next hour!


That was a bit TMI. You blurt out an uncomfortable truth.


Speaking like this is not difficult. You cannot use contractions for the next fifteen minutes.


How does sit? You’ve forgotten how chairs work for the next five minutes.


Gotta go fast! You feel an insatiable urge to run for the next five minutes.


This is a true weapon of math instruction! Math jokes are your sole form of communication for the next three minutes.


Cawn uwu hewp me? You’re stuck in uwu speak for five minutes! (link to help: https://lingojam.com/Englishtouwu )


ALL HAIL THE QUEEN! For whatever reason, you think Gwen is the new Queen of Eorzea for the next ten minutes.


You’ve got a friend in me! You have the unshakable urge to make sure nobody is left without a companion for the next ten minutes.


What was it again? You are gripped by the knowledge that you've forgotten -something- important but can't remember what it is for the next thirty minutes.


You feel as though you have turned into stained glass, being both fragile and beautiful… and very stiff for the next five minutes.


I am serious and don’t call me Shirley! For the next fifteen minutes, you are a detective, and need to investigate who stole the crates of wine. The witnesses are all around you.


And you thought the doctor was a quack… You are suddenly gripped by crippling anatidaephobia for the next thirty minutes. You are convinced that somehow, somewhere, a duck is watching you.


Discomfort level 1000. You are painfully aware that you have put your socks on the wrong feet. Lasts until you fix it.


Soft kitty, warm kitty… You have a sudden compulsion to pet a cat.


The air around you feels like it's changing texture. It feels thicker, like you're immersed in warm water and still able to breathe. Your hair (and any long fur), if not bound/waxed/gelled, will float about as if you are underwater for the next thirty minutes.


H-LP M-!!! You are suddenly unable to use or understand words containing the letter E for ten minutes.


What is the plural of fish again? You have forgotten how to pluralize words for the next ten minutes.


ANDY’S COMING! For the next five minutes, you think you are an ambulatory toy but collapse to the ground when someone looks at you.


The clear blue liquid has a syrupy texture. When swallowed it leaves you feeling pleasantly tingly all over for ten minutes with full-body ASMR.


You have the unquestionable belief that you just drank nitroglycerine. You don't know what that is (or maybe you do), but you do know that it's volatile and explosive and that you should hold very very still for the next five minutes.


You're sure for a moment that the drink turned brown just before you drank it. It tastes like wet cardboard and tree bark, but on the upside, you feel completely satiated and no longer thirsty, but you also think you might have the plague. Why would you think that? That's weird.


Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story! Upon consuming the drink, you become increasingly gullible until, eventually, your own passing fantasies are, to you, absolute truths.


I have arm feet! You forget what hands are, and that you have them, for the next five minutes


Potato McWhiskey? It's an odd yellow color, and the taste is a little... Musty? Drinking this causes you to become one with the couch for five minutes.


Did she though? Your first thought after every sentence for the next thirty minutes is "That's what she said".


Meowdy neighbor! For the next ten minutes, you are unquestioningly convinced you are a cat. Not a Miqo’te… A cat.


It’s on the tip of my tongue.. You suddenly find yourself parched, and craving something you’ve never tried before. What it is, you can’t quite place, but you know you want it, and badly.


You should use your indoor voice. For the next five minutes, you feel an uncontrollable urge to yell your every thought! RIP Headphone users.